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Mandala by Linden Tansley, Durham

Statement: Lineage Teachers

This list cannot verify the teachers practice.  However, the listing does imply that each teacher is following certain guidelines of teaching relating to holding the teachings of Reiki Jin Kei Do© (and EnerSense-Buddho©) with respect and purity.

It is the policy of Traditional Usui Reiki in the Lineage of Venerable Seiji Takamori (Reiki Jin Kei Do©) not to teach a variety of other Reiki teachings mixed with Reiki Jin Kei Do©.  This is a path of "Reiki through Compassion & Wisdom" and often is the teacher's "path" or "truth".   Therefore, teachers listed do not mix Non-Traditional Reiki in the context of their teaching practice.   Non-Traditional Reiki is defined having at least one of the following characteristics: modified systems containing teachings of channelled beings and spirit guides; invented systems; teachings unrelated to origins of Mikao Usui's Reiki system (Usui Shiki Ryoho).

This policy does not imply that each teacher can not have their own belief structure, or interest in other forms of Reiki and life philosophy.   In the context of presenting Traditional Usui Reiki in the Lineage of Venerable Seiji Takamori (Reiki Jin Kei Do©), the teacher is committed to the practice of the discipline as well as teaching it without extraneous material.

KANJI - Jin Kei Do

Three simple guidelines.

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